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Companies have put out corporate statements, donated money to racial-justice initiatives, even changed leadership. People have pledged their support on social media and piled their nightstands with books on racism.

What comes next?

“ I am a Black, queer woman navigating the tech and start up world, it didn’t take long for me to realize that this was not a world that was created for me. My intent is to change the status quo that exists in corporate America. We are conditioned to believe there is a mold you have to fit into in order to be successful and that is just not true. I am committed to using my voice to create equitable spaces for marginalized communities.”

“Human resources is broken. As a Black woman living in the HR world, I know firsthand the unwillingness to talk about real-world events, real-world trauma. Being Black in corporate America has its own long list of struggles, but being on a People team is hard right now. We are the people that are looked to raise morale, smile, and be the cheerleaders of our organizations.”


New York Times // Feature 2


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